Title: Introducing Yellow Van: A Gateway to Stories and Artistry in the Blue MountainsIntroduction:In the heart of the captivating Blue Mountains, an online platform has emerged, offering a window into the enchanting world of this majestic region. Yellow Van, curated by Adam Rangihana—an owner, writer, sculptor, singer-songwriter, and advocate—serves as a gateway to a myriad of stories that celebrate the spirit of the Blue...
My name is Adam... I am an Artist, sculptor, singer, song writer, poet, and writer.I think I am one of the luckiest people on earth... the problems is I have a bad memory due to a traumatic brain injury and need to keep...
A New World A New Hope.. Artificial Intelligence.
This group is a fictional story where mankind has created intelligent machines that mine the solar system. AI machine have their own evolutionary development similar to the world of earth, but in this story line the machines...
Father of eight needs a miracle. Laurance is a great Dad and has been a strong leader for his family. Unfortunately he has Cancer and now needs special treatment which he can only receive in Mexico ( a class="txt1" href="https://www.functionaloncology.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofolow...
News stories for 2018
A synthesis of current news, events and what it might mean for our community...
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Christian Teachings,
This group is a discussion with reference to a great teacher and a tite="Patrician" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrician" target="_blank"...