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Defining the new social media experience.
1. User Experience.
Since the beginning, we have set out to provide our "Members" with the best & most unique contemporary social media experience. In designing our new social media platform “” we have planned an Innovative membership & business design which provides "Members" with the opportunity to own shares in the social media platform providing a deeper experience and connection.
2. It’s best to do one thing extremely well.
We believe that anything is possible and focus on sharing opportunities with our "Members". Through our continued dedication to providing the best experience for our "Members" we’ve been able to solve complex issues providing both investment & business opportunity with the best online experience today. Our dedication is to
bring the possibilities of the Info-sphere to our "Members", providing them with the tools & training necessary to understand and be inspired by these opportunities.
3. Redefining the social media experience.
We know our "Members" are looking for real insights into and understanding of their relationship to the ever expanding info-sphere. The fundamental needs and drives of our members, investors and partners help us to discover a commonality in our aspirations for the future. Our commitment is to identifying the possibilities of tomorrow and making those opportunities available to our members today.
4. We are a Social Media Platform business
- i-jumponline is a business providing opportunities for our members, investors & partners. This allows us to provide the best possible Social Media experience available today. To ensure that we’re ultimately serving all our "Members" we have a set of guiding principles:
We don’t allow non relevant information on our results pages. We firmly believe that our results must provide useful information that is relevant to what you wish to find - We believe that our information must display in an effective manner without being flashy. We don’t accept pop–up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the content you’ve requested. We believe that ads should be unobtrusive to the person viewing them drawing higher brand awareness and clickthrough rates. Any advertiser, whether small or large, can take advantage of this targeted medium.
- Advertising on i-jumponline is always clearly identified as a “Sponsored Link” so it does not compromise the integrity of our results.