The Art of Healthy Living ... living with psychological trauma The Art of Healthy Living ... living with psychological trauma

Is Minipress a treatment for PTSD?

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 11 months ago
This is my answer to a question on quora...

Yes this can be part of an overall strategy to treat and heal this most difficult and many times horrific disease.
The major part of the treatment though should always be the use of Professional Counseling services.
My PTSD is complicated by a TBI … so I had to stop using it because of the side effects.
I use 5 basic steps to help get me through also adding whatever else is useful when appropriate;
1. Stick to your daily rituals and disciplines no matter what this is your anchor… the worse your thoughts and emotions become redirect that energy into something physical (exercise etc). The worse your physical pain modulate your pain management… medication, practice distraction, massage… find what is right for you.
2. If necessary keep a health diary so you can track how you are going… you can use this to take to a health professional. My general rule is if you need to see a doctor or take medication do it… if you need counseling go.
3. Shelter in the arms of loving positive family and friends. Very important… because this condition affects us daily we need to regenerate and recharge with positive loving energy everyday. This is so important. Sometimes a course of watching comedy shows can deflect the daily monotony of these negative thoughts and feelings. Laughter is an important medicine.
4. Try to distract yourself daily by watching a favorite tv program or movies… read books, write, or play music. Our daily life is [imho] 100 times more difficult than others who have not suffered from a tbi… so we really need to make this a part of our daily routine… so no matter good bad or whatever you stick to your routine.
5. Because of the nature of this condition it will steal away our hopes and dreams for the future. Learn an instrument take a course online or take up a new hobby… gardening etc.
Also finally join a tbi support group there are plenty online try Facebook… although I do not like Facebook we unfortunately have no choice…
Hoping something here might help…
Wishing you all the best.
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