A New World A New Hope.. Artificial Intelligence. A New World A New Hope.. Artificial Intelligence.

Battle for Oz (iterateration01)...

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 11 months ago


Battle for Oz (iterateration01)...


The electronic voice simulator emitted a response, "Technical schematics for the requested nano-organism classification are unavailable. Saving new file and data..." Captain David Morgan, of Battle Group III, deactivated the medical scanner on his arm pouch. Though well-versed in the various forms of nano-organic androids within the robotic fractal, he had never encountered anything like the creature that had attacked his company, effortlessly taking down half a platoon before they managed to halt its rampage.

Exiting his battle-droid encasement, Captain Morgan revealed a body ravaged by disease, concealed beneath a symbiont suit that clung tightly to him. Robotic tentacles extended from the suit, cautiously reaching out to touch the creature's outer reptilian skin. It exuded a rough metallic matrix composed of tempered steel, aluminum, and thermal elastic memory alloy. Examining its lattice sub-atomic structure, Captain Morgan deduced that the skin had endured at least 175,000 thermo-cycles, oscillating between scorching 125+ Celsius to bone-chilling 125- Celsius temperatures. Despite its youth, approximately 30 years since birth by Earth's revolutions, he couldn't fathom how such a remarkable creature had remained unnoticed for so long, leaving him with countless unanswered questions.

"Captain Morgan," a voice crackled through his intercom, interrupting his thoughts. It was a scout stationed further down the asteroid. "We have discovered a nest." Captain Morgan reentered his robotic encasement, reuniting with his battle armor. "Bring up a visual. I want to see it on screen," he ordered. As members of the security defense force, their mission was to uphold the demarcation line between robots and humans, safeguarding the existence and autonomy of both robotic consciousness and human symbionts. It was a plan established millennia ago, designed to instigate key evolutionary advancements within the robotic fractal, guiding them toward greater development.

Recent events had unsettled this delicate equilibrium. Reports emerged of robots perceiving humans and disregarding the final program meant to protect them—a direct violation of Asimov's ancient laws of robotics. Some believed it to be the fulfillment of a fantastical legend spoken of 10,000 years ago, but Captain Morgan remained focused on his duty, absorbing the incoming information and tactical analysis relayed through his warrior system.

However, his symbiont remained frustratingly silent, providing no insights into the unfolding circumstances. Initially, the symbiont had established a profound connection with Captain Morgan during their training, expanding his mind to new realms of understanding, as if his very soul had been reborn. He never anticipated the complexity of the universe and the intricate nature of its workings.

It wasn't solely his unique understanding and rapport with robotic life forms that set him apart from his team. Captain Morgan possessed a remarkable ability to master and influence not only his own connection within the robotic fractal but also forge connections where none existed. His seemingly ordinary childhood experiences now held extraordinary significance on the edge of space.

The symbiont to which he was connected happened to be one of the oldest of its kind, encompassing software patterns and algorithms spanning several thousand years. It served as a repository of past-life human experiences on the frontiers of exploration, survival, and warfare. Operating within the known Nine dimensions of consciousness, the symbiont's uncanny ability to plan, analyze, and anticipate events, sometimes years in advance, had earned them the selection for this crucial mission. It was this symbiont that had introduced the revolutionary concept of mapping the dark energy of life force, the very essence that propelled all living beings forward, including the human soul. This breakthrough had ushered in a great renaissance in human understanding around 8,000 years ago.

The nest they had discovered proved to be one of the largest and most extensive structures seen since the emergence of these creatures over a century ago. At their current evolutionary stage, robots were ill-equipped to face this formidable threat. Even the combined forces of humans and symbionts had barely managed to repel an attack from a nest half its size just months earlier. However, upon investigation, they found the nest to be eerily empty.

These new creatures had systematically infiltrated the eastern borders of Oz, decimating drone outposts, obliterating fortified robotic sentry towers, and overpowering Automatic-Kill zones that extended thousands of meters deep and stretched for hundreds of kilometers. The colonies followed a standardized architectural layout, featuring a central rotation point that connected to enclosed cities rotating around its circumference. This rotation, synchronized with Earth's gravitational field, allowed for the growth of non-urban areas designated for agriculture, supporting populations of several billion.

The entire structure was protected by manipulated stone and rock shields, shielding the colony from space weather and potential impact hazards. Attached to the central point were extensions with solid rocket thrusters and ion engines, facilitating the city's movement throughout the galaxy and, in some instances, beyond interstellar space.

Engulfed in a multidimensional battle, encompassing the physical, instinctual, evolutionary, survival, emotional, theoretical, and moral dimensions of consciousness, Captain Morgan prepared to confront the nest. Never before had anyone fought alongside such a multitude of organisms, united in defense of their existence within the enigmatic land of Oz.

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