The Art of Healthy Living ... living with psychological trauma The Art of Healthy Living ... living with psychological trauma

Proposed Protections for Disabled Trauma Survivors

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 11 months ago

Proposed Protections for Disabled Trauma Survivors


Here are some proposed guidelines to protect people with disabilities and trauma backgrounds in terms of contracts, money, and home:

1. Contracts:

a. Provide clear and easy-to-understand language in all contracts, especially those that involve financial transactions or long-term commitments, such as employment or rental agreements.

b. Ensure that all parties involved understand the terms of the contract before signing.

c. Consider providing accommodations such as interpreters or alternative formats for those with disabilities.

d. Provide a clear path for dispute resolution and make sure that all parties have access to a neutral third-party mediator if needed.


2. Money:

a. Protect against financial exploitation by establishing safeguards such as regular monitoring of bank accounts and credit reports.

b. Ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to financial literacy resources and training.

c. Consider appointing a trusted third party or guardian to manage finances on behalf of individuals who may be vulnerable to financial exploitation or lack the capacity to manage their own finances.

d. Establish clear guidelines for use of funds, especially in situations where someone else is managing finances on behalf of an individual.


3. Home:

a. Ensure that homes are accessible and safe for individuals with disabilities by implementing features such as ramps, grab bars, and non-slip surfaces.

b. Consider providing accommodations such as service animals or personal care attendants to help individuals with disabilities live independently.

c. Establish clear guidelines for maintenance and repair of the home to ensure safety and prevent hazards.

d. Provide support and resources for individuals who may have experienced trauma related to housing, such as homelessness or displacement.


Overall, it's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of individuals with disabilities and trauma backgrounds in all areas of life, including contracts, money, and home.


These guidelines are just a starting point and should be adapted to meet the specific needs of each individual.

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