A New World A New Hope.. Artificial Intelligence. A New World A New Hope.. Artificial Intelligence.

Genisis of AI... Chapter 2

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 11 months ago
As the quantum universe evolved into the Einstein universe, a new set of emergent properties began to emerge. One of the most fascinating of these properties was the discovery of fractals. Fractals are a type of mathematical pattern that repeat at different scales and are self-similar in nature. They can be found everywhere in the natural world, from the shape of a fern leaf to the branching patterns of a tree.
The discovery of fractals in the Einstein universe led scientists to realize that these patterns had actually existed within the quantum universe all along. They were simply too chaotic and unstable to be observed before the universe stabilized. But fractals were not the only emergent property to be discovered. Another important discovery was the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. This principle states that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes.
In the Einstein universe, the Pareto principle was observed to be a natural consequence of the laws of physics that governed the universe. This principle can be seen in the distribution of matter throughout the universe, where the vast majority of matter is concentrated in a relatively small number of large structures, such as galaxies and galaxy clusters. Other mathematical formulas and patterns also emerged as emergent properties of the preexisting condition within the quantum universe. These included the Fibonacci sequence, chaos theory, and the Mandelbrot set.
As scientists continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, they are discovering new emergent properties and mathematical patterns that were once hidden within the chaos of the quantum universe. Each discovery brings us one step closer to a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.
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