How do you mend a broken heart..? This Stem Cell Patch Could Heal Hearts... March 2018

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 6 years ago

A Cardiac Arrest? 

This Stem Cell Patch Could Heal Hearts damaged by Cardiac Arrest...


Researchers in the United Kingdom are using stem cells to develop help mend diseased and damaged hearts.  As a Stem Cell Patch (SCP) it could save tens of thousands of dollars by eliminating the need for a heart transplant.



The human body an extraordinary capacity to heal itself: Many organs in the body can regenerate when damaged such as the livers, our brain when damaged can learn to do functions formally carried out by the damaged areas. Even our skin is always working to protect us where we maybe exposed to harmful pathogens.

However the most important organ in our body the heart when damaged after a heart attack losses billions of heart muscle cells may be lost, weakening the heart which often ends up leading to further complications.... including fatal heart conditions. the only option for a heart patient at the moment is to receive a heart transport.

How do you mend a broken heart..?

At the University of Cambridge Stem Cell Institute in the U.K. researchers are developing stem cells to grow live patches of heart muscle in the lab. The patches are 2.5 square centimeters and could potentially treat patients with heat failure.


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