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What is the Cost of Disability care to Australia..?

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 11 months ago


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), approximately 4.4 million people in Australia (or around 18.5% of the population) reported having a disability in 2018.


Of these, around 2.2 million had a severe or profound core activity limitation, which means they require assistance with self-care, mobility, and communication.


The cost of disability care in Australia is significant, as noted in my previous response. However, it is important to note that the cost of disability care is not just a financial burden, but also an emotional and social burden for individuals and families affected by disability.


The cost of disability care in Australia is partly borne by the government through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and other healthcare and social services programs. However, families and individuals affected by disability also bear a significant portion of the cost through out-of-pocket expenses, lost income due to caregiving responsibilities, and reduced economic opportunities.


It is important to recognize that investing in disability care and support is not just a cost, but also an opportunity to promote inclusion and social justice for people with disabilities and their families.


By investing in disability care, we can help people with disabilities to live more independently, participate fully in their communities, and achieve their full potential.


This can result in benefits to society as a whole, such as increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, and improved social cohesion.


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the seasonally adjusted Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Australia in the March quarter of 2021 was $526.2 billion in current prices. The ABS releases GDP data on a quarterly basis, with the latest data available on their website.


The percentage of the Australian government's budget that goes to support people with disabilities varies from year to year and is dependent on a range of factors, including government priorities, economic conditions, and the demand for disability support services.


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the Australian government's primary funding mechanism for disability supports and services. In the 2021-2022 Federal Budget, the government allocated $26.2 billion to the NDIS, which represents an increase of $4.6 billion from the previous year.

This funding will be used to support an estimated 420,000 people with disabilities across the country.


In addition to funding for the NDIS, the government also provides funding for a range of other disability support services, including healthcare, social services, and housing assistance.


The exact percentage of the budget allocated to disability support services varies from year to year, but it is clear that supporting people with disabilities is a significant priority for the Australian government.

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