Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php on line 488

Warning: Attempt to read property "template" on null in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php on line 506
Attempt to assign property "template" on null (500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.)

Error Error

HTTP 500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Attempt to assign property "template" on null

Exceptions 2


  1.                 }
  2.             }
  3.         }
  4.         // Need to filter the default value as well
  5.         $template->template InputFilter::getInstance()->clean($template->template'cmd');
  6.         // Fallback template
  7.         if (!empty($template->parent)) {
  8.             if (!is_file(JPATH_THEMES '/' $template->template '/index.php')) {
  9.                 if (!is_file(JPATH_THEMES '/' $template->parent '/index.php')) {
  1.     public function render(\Throwable $error): string
  2.     {
  3.         $app Factory::getApplication();
  4.         // Get the current template from the application
  5.         $template $app->getTemplate(true);
  6.         // Push the error object into the document
  7.         $this->getDocument()->setError($error);
  8.         // Add registry file for the template asset
HtmlRenderer->render(object(Error)) in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Exception/ExceptionHandler.php (line 136)
  1.                     'subject'  => $app,
  2.                     'document' => $renderer->getDocument(),
  3.                 ])
  4.             );
  5.             $data $renderer->render($error);
  6.             // If nothing was rendered, just use the message from the Exception
  7.             if (empty($data)) {
  8.                 $data $error->getMessage();
  9.             }
ExceptionHandler::render(object(Error)) in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Exception/ExceptionHandler.php (line 73)
  1.      * @since   3.10.0
  2.      */
  3.     public static function handleException(\Throwable $error)
  4.     {
  5.         static::logException($error);
  6.         static::render($error);
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Render the error page based on an exception.
  10.      *
ExceptionHandler::handleException(object(Error)) in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php (line 336)
  1.             );
  2.             // Trigger the onError event.
  3.             $this->dispatchEvent('onError'$event);
  4.             ExceptionHandler::handleException($event->getError());
  5.         }
  6.         // Trigger the onBeforeRespond event.
  7.         $this->dispatchEvent(
  8.             'onBeforeRespond',
CMSApplication->execute() in /home/ijumponl/public_html/includes/app.php (line 58)
  1. // Set the application as global app
  2. \Joomla\CMS\Factory::$application $app;
  3. // Execute the application.
  4. $app->execute();
require_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/includes/app.php') in /home/ijumponl/public_html/index.php (line 32)
  1.  * define() is used rather than "const" to not error for PHP 5.2 and lower
  2.  */
  3. define('_JEXEC'1);
  4. // Run the application - All executable code should be triggered through this file
  5. require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/app.php';


Class "JURI" not found

  1.  * */
  2. define('COMMUNITY_FREE_VERSION'false);
  3. define('COMMUNITY_PRO_VERSION'true);
  4. define('COMMUNITY_COM_PATH'JPATH_ROOT '/components/com_community');
  5. define('COMMUNITY_COM_URL'JURI::base() . 'components/com_community');
  6. /**
  7.  * @todo Remove these old defines
  8.  */
  1. spl_autoload_register('CFactory::autoload_helpers');
  2. spl_autoload_register('CFactory::autoload_events');
  3. spl_autoload_register('CFactory::autoload_tables');
  4. // @todo: to be removed once the functions has be autoloaded
  5. require_once (JPATH_ROOT '/components/com_community/defines.community.php');
  6. /**
  7.  * Register Joomla! autoloading
  8.  */
  9. /* Register our APIs classes */
include_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/components/com_community/libraries/core.php') in /home/ijumponl/public_html/components/com_community/router.php (line 13)
  1. * More info at https://www.jomsocial.com/license-agreement
  2. */
  3. defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
  4. include_once JPATH_BASE.'/components/com_community/libraries/core.php';
  5. function CommunityBuildRoute(&$query)
  6. {
  7.     $app      JFactory::getApplication();
  8.     $segments = array();
require_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/components/com_community/router.php') in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Extension/LegacyComponent.php (line 238)
  1.             // Use the component routing handler if it exists
  2.             $path JPATH_SITE '/components/com_' $this->component '/router.php';
  3.             // Use the custom routing handler if it exists
  4.             if (is_file($path)) {
  5.                 require_once $path;
  6.             }
  7.         }
  8.         if (class_exists($class)) {
  9.             $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
LegacyComponent->createRouter(object(SiteApplication), object(SiteMenu)) in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php (line 568)
  1.     {
  2.         if (!isset($this->componentRouters[$component])) {
  3.             $componentInstance $this->app->bootComponent($component);
  4.             if ($componentInstance instanceof RouterServiceInterface) {
  5.                 $this->componentRouters[$component] = $componentInstance->createRouter($this->app$this->menu);
  6.             }
  7.             if (!isset($this->componentRouters[$component])) {
  8.                 $this->componentRouters[$component] = new RouterLegacy(ucfirst(substr($component4)));
  9.             }
SiteRouter->getComponentRouter('com_community') in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php (line 286)
  1.             $segments explode('/'$route);
  2.             if (\count($segments)) {
  3.                 // Handle component route
  4.                 $component preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\.-]/i'''$uri->getVar('option'));
  5.                 $crouter   $this->getComponentRouter($component);
  6.                 $uri->setQuery(array_merge($uri->getQuery(true), $crouter->parse($segments)));
  7.             }
  8.             $route implode('/'$segments);
  9.         }
SiteRouter->parseSefRoute(object(SiteRouter), object(Uri)) in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Router/Router.php (line 384)
  1.         if (!\array_key_exists('parse' $stage$this->rules)) {
  2.             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The %s stage is not registered. (%s)'$stage__METHOD__));
  3.         }
  4.         foreach ($this->rules['parse' $stage] as $rule) {
  5.             $rule($this$uri);
  6.         }
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Process the build uri query data based on custom defined rules
Router->processParseRules(object(Uri)) in /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Router/Router.php (line 147)
  1.     {
  2.         // Do the preprocess stage of the URL parse process
  3.         $this->processParseRules($uriself::PROCESS_BEFORE);
  4.         // Do the main stage of the URL parse process
  5.         $this->processParseRules($uri);
  6.         // Do the postprocess stage of the URL parse process
  7.         $this->processParseRules($uriself::PROCESS_AFTER);
  8.         // Check if all parts of the URL have been parsed.
  1.         // Get the full request URI.
  2.         $uri = clone Uri::getInstance();
  3.         // It is not possible to inject the SiteRouter as it requires a SiteApplication
  4.         // and we would end in an infinite loop
  5.         $result $this->getContainer()->get(SiteRouter::class)->parse($uritrue);
  6.         $active $this->getMenu()->getActive();
  7.         if (
  8.             $active !== null
  1.         // Mark afterInitialise in the profiler.
  2.         JDEBUG $this->profiler->mark('afterInitialise') : null;
  3.         // Route the application
  4.         $this->route();
  5.         // Mark afterRoute in the profiler.
  6.         JDEBUG $this->profiler->mark('afterRoute') : null;
  7.         if (!$this->isHandlingMultiFactorAuthentication()) {
  1.             $this->sanityCheckSystemVariables();
  2.             $this->setupLogging();
  3.             $this->createExtensionNamespaceMap();
  4.             // Perform application routines.
  5.             $this->doExecute();
  6.             // If we have an application document object, render it.
  7.             if ($this->document instanceof \Joomla\CMS\Document\Document) {
  8.                 // Render the application output.
  9.                 $this->render();
CMSApplication->execute() in /home/ijumponl/public_html/includes/app.php (line 58)
  1. // Set the application as global app
  2. \Joomla\CMS\Factory::$application $app;
  3. // Execute the application.
  4. $app->execute();
require_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/includes/app.php') in /home/ijumponl/public_html/index.php (line 32)
  1.  * define() is used rather than "const" to not error for PHP 5.2 and lower
  2.  */
  3. define('_JEXEC'1);
  4. // Run the application - All executable code should be triggered through this file
  5. require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/app.php';

Stack Traces 2

[2/2] Error
Attempt to assign property "template" on null

  at /home/ijumponl/public_html/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:506
  at Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->getTemplate(true)
  at Joomla\CMS\Error\Renderer\HtmlRenderer->render(object(Error))
  at Joomla\CMS\Exception\ExceptionHandler::render(object(Error))
  at Joomla\CMS\Exception\ExceptionHandler::handleException(object(Error))
  at Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()
  at require_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/includes/app.php')
[1/2] Error
Class "JURI" not found

  at /home/ijumponl/public_html/components/com_community/defines.community.php:22
  at require_once()
  at include_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/components/com_community/libraries/core.php')
  at require_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/components/com_community/router.php')
  at Joomla\CMS\Extension\LegacyComponent->createRouter(object(SiteApplication), object(SiteMenu))
  at Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->getComponentRouter('com_community')
  at Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->parseSefRoute(object(SiteRouter), object(Uri))
  at Joomla\CMS\Router\Router->processParseRules(object(Uri))
  at Joomla\CMS\Router\Router->parse(object(Uri), true)
  at Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route()
  at Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute()
  at Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()
  at require_once('/home/ijumponl/public_html/includes/app.php')